Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Investment Terminology 2008
CFO = Corporate Fraud Officer.
VALUE INVESTING = the art of buying low and selling lower.
P/E RATIO = the percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps falling.
BROKER = what my broker has made me.
FINANCIAL PLANNER = a person whose phone has been disconnected.
STANDARD & POOR = description of an investor's life in general.
INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR = a frustrated investor who's now locked away in an institution.
MARKET CORRECTION = something that occurs the day after you invest in the market.
CASH FLOW = the movement your investment makes as it disappears down the drain.
brought to you by: Ed Ponsi's Amazon Blog
Friday, October 3, 2008
Let me start with this one I came across from
Crappy Customer Care Alert - Visafone
19 Aug 2008 Filed under: rant, review Author: Onyeka
I’m livid.
Visafone have just succeeded in joining the ranks of miserable customer service in my books. Let me tell you guys the miserable story of their EVDO internet service, so that you guys don’t burn cash the way I did.
So, there I was, with my newly acquired laptop, feeling good, feeling ready to take over the world with my design prowess. And I think, instead of going to work all the time to do my research, why not get internet at home? Sounded fair, I’d seen people use it all the time in the office, and it surfed fast enough, I thought, ‘What the heck’. That was sometime in May.
32k later, I’m browsing at home from Friday nights to Monday mornings. It’s nothing compared to the broadband at the office, but I can’t complain. Fast forward to about 6 weeks later. After an exceptionally bad weekend of browsing (constant disconnections, terribly slow speed), the connection disconnects 11pm Sunday night.
Wait a minute. I still have a good 10 hours left! Read more!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
As not all hours of the day are good for trading, it is very important to know the times that are best time for trading and making profit. Most expert opine that the best time to trade is when the market is most active. When more than one of the four markets are open, there will be a heightened trading atmosphere, which means there will be greater fluctuation in currency pairs. When only one market is open, currency pairs tend to get locked in a tight pip spread of roughly 30 pips of movement. Two markets open at once can easily see movement north of 70 pips, particularly when big news is released.
(First, here is a brief overview of the four markets (hours in EST):
- New York (open 8am to 5pm): According to "Day Trading the Currency Markets" (2005) by Kathy Lien, New York is the second largest forex platform in the world and is watched heavily by foreign investors because the U.S. dollar is involved in 90% of all trades. Movements in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) can have an immediate and powerful effect on the dollar. When companies merge and acquisitions are finalized, the dollar can gain or lose value instantly. (Learn one way to predict movements in the NYSE in Which Direction Is The Market Heading?)
- Tokyo (open 7pm to 4am): Tokyo takes in the largest bulk of Asian trading, just ahead of Hong Kong and Singapore. It was the first Asian trading center to open. The best currency pairs to aim for (for traders looking for a lot of action) are USD/JPY, GBP/CHF and GBP/JPY. The USD/JPY is an especially good pair to watch when the Tokyo market is the only market open because of the heavy influence the Bank of Japan has over the market. (Learn about this influence in Profiting From Interventions In Forex Markets, and about currency pairs in Using Currency Correlations To Your Advantage.)
- Sydney (open 5pm to 2am): Sydney is where the trading day officially begins, and while it is the smallest of the mega-markets, it sees a lot of initial action when the markets reopen on Sunday afternoon because individual traders and financial institutions try to stabilize after all the action that may have happened since Friday afternoon.
- London (open 3am to noon): The United Kingdom dominates the currency markets worldwide, and London is its main component. London, known as the trading capital of the world, accounts for roughly 34% of global trading, according to a report by IFS London. The city also has a big impact on currency fluctuations because the Bank of England, which sets interest rates and controls the monetary policy of the GBP, has set up shop in London. Forex trends often originate in London as well, which is a great thing for technical traders to keep in mind. (Learn more about how the central banks impact currency pairs in Interest Rates Matter For Forex Traders.)
For more insight and information on forex visit
Friday, September 26, 2008
The following incidence happened to me over a couple of days for just having the noun (name of a person, place or thing) Nigeria attached to me. I am a website designer and sometimes just like in every other web or applications development it is a lot more easier to buy a template or piece of code and then modify to suit the solution you are providing for your client.
I placed an order for a website template from which happened to be a subsidiary or a reseller for Just like order times I had placed similar orders. I key in my credit card details and the thank you page says "Thank you for purchasing ****** from us, you order will be processed within the next 24 hours and a download link will be sent to your email". That was on the 21st of September.
So I went on my normal business for the next 24 hours without recieving a download link. At about the 32nd hour of waiting, I recieved my download link on my email. So I went ahead to click on the link for my download to begin. Voila! I get hit by the beginning of my nightmare "Download link has been blocked for security reasons. Please contact our Sales Department."
Surprised I opened a support ticket and this was what ensued after:
Posted On: 23 Sep 2008 12:11 PM
The above error shows when I click the link in my email to download the template. Please treat as urgent. I placed this order on the 21st of September after waiting for two days for the link I decided to write and just recieved the link. I ordered through
Template Guide: Posted On: 23 Sep 2008 12:13 PM
Hello!Thanks for contacting us. Please provide us with your order details.======================================Please feel free to contact us if you have some questions or concerns.
ME: Posted On: 23 Sep 2008 03:54 PM
ORDER DETAILS:On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 5:18 PM, Order Number ######### Contents of your purchase:Cart ID : *#######_*####Product Name : Cart purchase: ######### Quantity : 1Product ID :Vendor Product ID : c_prodProduct Description: flash template Product Name : Website templatesQuantity : 1Total : 62.00 ( USD )Billing Information #########IP: 81.199.##.### IP Location: Port Harcourt ( Nigeria ) #####@gmail.com234803######## Address Abuja XX ##### Nigeria ( NGA )Distributed By:T-G Inc. ( ) ( 2CO ) and T-G Inc. thank you for your business
Template Guide: Posted On: 23 Sep 2008 06:19 PM
The link was blocked because there were attempts to download the product from another country.
ME: Posted On: 23 Sep 2008 06:24 PM
How could that be? You sent the link to my e-mail box and I clicked. Except of course if the internet connection am using is from a service provider outside Nigeria. Which is possible My Location is Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria where I am attending a brief presentation. How If the Downloading did not originate from my mail box where would it have originated from. The ticket details above says "Sales" I chose that at the beginning. I have no contact to sales as your email suggested. Could you give me sales contact then.
Template Guide: Posted On: 23 Sep 2008 07:16 PM
You placed the order via Nigeria IP address, but trying to download it from Israel one.
ME: Posted On: 23 Sep 2008 07:25 PM
Ok I know what the problem is. I Used an internet connection of a client to check for the download which is possibly using an ISP from Israel. Could you please send me a new link again. I will use my phone connection to download it. That should give a Nigerian IP Address.
Template Guide:
Posted On: 24 Sep 2008 10:33 AM
You can download it from your country IP address.
Unfortunately the IP address I used to place the order is no longer available to me. Which is my country IP address. What I am trying to tell you here is that most of the ISP's here are served from countries like Israel, Egypt, US and so on. My Mobile Phone was an option but when I used Iplocation to check It said US. I am short of what to do so please if there is nothing you can do for me from your own end reverse the charge on my card so I can check other options ( Bear in mind that this messages I am sending to you still originate from the same IP address that says Israel while I am in Port Harcourt Nigeria. Thank you.
ME: Posted On: 25 Sep 2008 05:06 PM
Bear in mind that I already bought a template from a couple of weeks ago which I used for this client. If I bought that and used it why would you not help sort this out for me. Every Nigerian is not fraudulent. I am a webmaster and I have a couple of domains you can verify from the whois: I use aiqokoye as cybername sometimes. etc. just for you guys to verify
ME: Here is my last order and before I got this link I was told to send identification in the form of driver's licence which I sent to verify that the credit card is mine.Dear Customer!Your order of A company website template id: #### from has been processed.To download your template(s), please follow the link(s) below:=================================== The download link will stay active for 3 days from the moment this mail was sent.If you have any problems with the download link, please feel free to contact usby submiting a ticket at http://support.template-guide.comWith every purchase you get 6 month of free web hosting at our servers.To apply for service please contact our web hosting support http://support.template-guide.comThank you for the purchase. Sales Department!
Template Guide: Posted On: 26 Sep 2008 10:40 AM
The problem is that you placed the order from Negeria IP address but trying to download from another country (security measures).To check your current IP, please go to
ME: Posted On: 26 Sep 2008 11:42 AM
I know the current IP address of the company I am working from now, their Internet Service Providing company is an Israeli company. Granted, the Ip2location result tells me Israel. I have already checked. You haven't answered my question: which is "Unfortunately the IP address I used to place the order is no longer available to me. Which is my country IP address. What I am trying to tell you here is that most of the ISP's here are served from countries like Israel, Egypt, US and so on. My Mobile Phone was an option but when I used Iplocation to check, it said US. I am short of what to do so please if there is nothing you can do for me from your own end reverse the charge on my card so I can check other options ( Bear in mind that this messages I am sending to you still originate from the same IP address that says Israel while I am in Port Harcourt Nigeria. Thank you."I really need you to give me an answer not a suggestion (to download from a Nigerian IP) because that is not working for me. I can't find any. What you should check is my credit line: 'Was my credit card fraudulent?' 'Did I infringe on any of your program policies?' If any of the above is the case notify me. From my reply above, I stated that I had placed and recieved an order from you guys not too long ago, using the same personal details and email address. I am sure the reason why you send the link to my email is because it is secured and was supplied by me when I ordered the product IP address dependent or not. The most important thing to note is I placed this order on the 21st of September and it took more that 24 hours to process and confirm my order which you informed me that it could take that long. Am I to sit and not move or go anywhere because I am waiting for one order so that I can download from the same IP address I used to place the order? That is ridiculous.Imagine if I am a web solutions company with offices in Israel, Nigeria, Canada and US. Are you saying that the administrative office in Nigeria cannot order a product and send the link to the office in Israel to download and use it provided your terms and conditions of service is not violated. Maybe your security measure is against fraud by Nigerians, but look at it this way - my 2 cents - : if you are worried about securing your products from being misused, this particular measure is whack! because the global village ensures fluidity and dynamism. Please like I said in my last post give me another option or reverse the charge on my card. Thank you in anticipation.
Template-Guide: Posted On: 26 Sep 2008 12:07 PM
Please try to use this link:"
Is it "The Curse of Being A Nigerian" or "The Cause for being a Nigeria"
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lehman workers face a tough job market
Employees of bankrupt Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. across the globe are suddenly out on the street and looking for new jobs -- and the 1,300 at the Japanese unit of the U.S. securities house in Tokyo are no exception.
Following the bankruptcy of its parent company on Monday, Lehman Brothers Japan Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection Tuesday with the Tokyo District Court.
The Financial Services Agency ordered it Monday to suspend operations through Sept. 26 after receiving a warning that it might default on its obligations in the longer term.
But Lehman employees are showing up at their Roppongi Hills office in Mori Tower to wind down its remaining business.
According to a non-Japanese employee who spoke on condition of anonymity, the sentiment of his colleagues is "surprisingly good."
"People are trying to do what they can for the company," he said.
Perhaps they're just putting a brave face on the situation. Sources close to the unit said employees will at least get their September pay. But in reality, at stake are their homes, their families' well-being and, in the case of some foreign employees, their working visas.
As news of the U.S. parent company's bankruptcy made headlines after the three-day weekend, Lehman resumes flooded the mailboxes of recruitment agencies in Tokyo.
Bernie Schiemer, managing director of recruitment firm Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan, said the company has been receiving them by the hundreds.
"It's been monumental and unprecedented," Schiemer said.
On Wednesday, a headhunter at another recruitment firm in Tokyo who was in the lobby of Mori Tower said he sat down with a few Lehman employees for interviews. His colleague was there the day before, and the headhunter had seen competitors there for the same reason.
"We are just trying to help (Lehman employees) continue meaningful careers," the headhunter said. "They have done their jobs and have been successful until Monday."
In the financial sector, however, it's not just Lehman workers who are looking for jobs. Former employees of Bear Sterns, which was sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co. in March, are also seeking new positions now that their settlement packages were concluded earlier this month.
Amid the turmoil, some investment banks have been "fairly active" in plucking talent from Lehman, the headhunter said, adding that they tend to look for people with five or six years of experience.
"It could be tough" for those with just one or two years' experience, but "if they are highly skilled and bilingual, they may have a pretty good chance," the headhunter said.
Schiemer of Hays observed that Japanese employees at Lehman may have a better chance of finding jobs because Japanese financial institutions are looking to hire bilingual personnel knowledgeable about foreign markets.
For foreign employees however, competition will be tough, he said. He has been advising people to prioritize their careers over salary and to be flexible, especially if they prefer to stay in Japan and have visa and housing issues and families to take care of.
On Wednesday, another non-Japanese Lehman employee who declined to be named said the company has announced it will try to take care of the employees' housing situations if Lehman is their guarantor or the firm signed tenant contracts for them and landlords are asking them to move out.
The visas, however, are a different problem.
"I am willing to go wherever the next job takes me," said the man, who has no family in Japan.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A READ ON FOREX FROM WIKIPEDIA: Not beating the market
Although it is possible for a few experts to successfully arbitrage the market for an unusually large return, this does not mean that a larger number could earn the same returns even given the same tools, techniques and data sources. This is because the arbitrages are essentially drawn from a pool of finite size; although information about how to capture arbitrages is a nonrival good, the arbritrages themselves are a rival good. (To draw an analogy, the total amount of buried treasure on an island is the same, regardless of how many treasure hunters have bought copies of a treasure map.)
Retail traders are - almost by definition - undercapitalized. Thus they are subject to the problem of gambler's ruin. In a fair game (one with no information advantages) between two players that continues until one trader goes bankrupt, the player with the lower amount of capital has a higher probability of going bankrupt first. Since the retail speculator is effectively playing against the market as a whole - which has nearly infinite capital - he will almost certainly go bankrupt.
The retail trader always pays the bid/ask spread which makes his odds of winning less than those of a fair game. Additional costs may include margin interest, or if a spot position is kept open for more than one day the trade may be "resettled" each day, each time costing the full bid/ask spread.
According to the Wall Street Journal (Currency Markets Draw Speculation, Fraud July 26, 2005) "Even people running the trading shops warn clients against trying to time the market. 'If 15% of day traders are profitable,' says Drew Niv, chief executive of FXCM, 'I'd be surprised.' "
Paul Belogour, the Managing Director of a Boston based retail forex trader, was quoted by the Financial Times as saying, "Trading foreign exchange is an excellent way for investors to find out how tough the markets really are. But I say to customers: if this is money you have worked hard for – that you cannot afford to lose – never, never invest in foreign exchange." Culled from Wikipedia
Type RTTNews on the search box below to read more about it or click here to go straight to the website and download
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
When you place orders with a forex broker, it is extremely important that you know how to place them appropriately. Orders should be placed according
Five Keys to Predicting Forex Market Movements To profit from the fascinating world of international trade, you must have a firm grip on the key factors that affect a currency's value. When making our trades, we analyze five key factors. In order of importance, they are:
Interest Rates
Economic Growth
Trade and Capital Flows
Merger and Acquisition Activity
If you can predict how each of these factors affect your currency trades, you have the foundation to make serious returns. Read More
Haven't Found what you are looking for? Search the web
At such emotional responses are hardly the best means by which to make your selling (or buying) decisions. They are unscientific and undisciplined. Many overarching systems of trading have their own techniques for determining the best time to exit a trade. But there some general techniques that will help you identify the optimal moment of exit, which ensures acceptable profits while guarding against unacceptable losses. Read More Here!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Why Forex?
The participants are banks, business organizations - large and small, and obviously many private individuals. Everyone on earth today can immediately start trading Forex online, from any computer, anytime, using their credit cards. The FOREIGN EXCHANGE (FOREX, FX) market is not a "market" in the traditional sense. In fact, it is the nearest to "perfect market" from economics perspective. There is no centralized location for trading as there is in futures or stocks. Trading occurs around the clock over the telephone and on computer terminals at thousands of locations worldwide.
Foreign Exchange is also the world's largest and deepest market. Daily market turnover has skyrocketed from approximately 5 billion USD in 1977, to a staggering 2.5 trillion (and more) US dollars today. This is more than 100 times the daily turnover of the NASDAQ. Most foreign exchange activity consists of the spot business between the US dollar and the six major currencies (Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar). The FOREX market is so large, and is hosting so many participants, that no single player, governments included, can directly control or make any significant influence over the direction of the market.
That makes the FOREX market the most exciting market in the world. Central banks, commercial banks, international corporations, money managers, speculators, and private individuals - all involve in FOREX trading. Foreign exchange (FOREX) is the trading of contracts of currency pair exchange rate. It is a NON-DELIVERY trade, which means that there is no physical transaction of currencies, but it is rather an agreement, or "contract" (FOREX DEAL), to trade specific volume of a pair of currencies at an agreed exchange rate. The magnitude of such FOREX trade is that, in order to make the deal, only a proportional amount is needed (the COLLATERAL, or the MARGIN). Thus, if the currency pair exchange rate has changed by some percentage, the value of the MARGIN invested would accordingly change, however - in a much higher proportion. In fact, the actual change onto the Forex trader's investment (the MARGIN they deposited), will be the nominal change occurred to the exchange rate, multiplied by the MARGIN ratio (the leverage). For example: a FOREX DAY-TRADING deal has been made, for buying EUR100,000 against USD, on an exchange rate of 1.3500. The MARGIN required for this deal (offered by the FOREX Trading Platform) is of a ratio of around 1:100. Accordingly, the trader invests only USD100. After a few hours, the exchange rate went up to 1.3620. This is an increase of 0.89%, quite normal for the global Forex market. However, thanks to the MARGIN ratio, the trader's investment went up by 89% (since a leverage of 1:100 has been used)!! Remember: that happened in less than a day!
Same could happen in the opposite direction, however - the traders cannot lose more than their original MARGIN deposited. When the rate goes against the trader's favor, the deal closes automatically ("Stop-Loss") when the margin does not cover anymore the contract's decrease in value. Note that the Forex trader may choose any direction for his deal (for example: either to BUY-EUR or to SELL-EUR in a EUR-USD deal), and still do that with his account base currency (the currency with which he operates his trading account). Hence, he may still profit (in case he was right...) even when the EUR goes down. The Forex market offers today FOREX trading not only in MAJORS (the leading world currencies) but also in many other currency pairs (including exotic, gold and silver, etc.).
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Five Characteristics of the Prosperous Forex Trader
The first characteristic of a successful investor in the foreign exchange market is the ability to accept risk. The forex is extremely risky. It has a high leverage ratio. This ratio is defined as the comparison of debt to equity. A leverage ratio of 400 would not be out of the ordinary in the foreign exchange market, compared to an average leverage ratio of 2 in the equity markets. Keep in mind that while this ratio indicates a higher potential profit, it can also make the potential loss more significant.
Secondly, successful traders should be confident. They should be convinced of their own ability to execute successful trades on the forex. One of the best ways to guarantee this level of confidence is to take the time and effort to research the market and how it operates. This means knowing the terminology and characteristics that make the market what it is. Beginners have many options on how they can increase their levels of awareness about crossing currency, and their overall confidence levels. They can go through a financial institution or knowledgeable broker. In addition, new traders can learn how to trade on the forex by using free tutorials available on many websites. The Internet is a great way to get trading practice using the complimentary demonstrations available online. It is a good idea to take advantage of these free services before actually opening an account and making a trade. Mini accounts are also available. These allow you to get your feet wet with smaller initial investments than a regular account would. Keep in mind that the forex has great potential to be profitable if you have an idea of how it works.
The third characteristic of a prosperous trader in the foreign exchange market is patience. A successful investor realizes that they may have to accept small losses in order to obtain profits in the long run. It's important to understand that Forex trading, like any business venture, will have its peaks and slumps.
The fourth is you should be prepared to stick to your system despite these fluctuations to maximize profits in the long run. Having patience will help investors stay loyal to the plan they've developed without deterring because of normal ups and downs. A successful trader will also be extremely disciplined. Because the foreign exchange market never closes, opportunities can present themselves at odd hours of the day or night. A forex investor must possess the discipline it takes to constantly monitor currency charts, current events and leading economic indicators. They also must maintain high levels of discipline to avoid deviating from their system. They will stick by their strategy despite minor market changes.
The fifth characteristic that experts agree that a prosperous forex trader must possess is the ability to know when to exit the market. Investors that stay in the market too long can see their profits dwindle rapidly. If your market indicators and signal service demonstrates that it is time to exit the market you should do so. Remaining in the market despite signs warning you to exit is usually motivated by greed or ignorance, and will usually result in a financial loss. While the foreign exchange market draws many investors because of it unique attributes and numerous benefits it does not suit everyone. In order to be successful in the forex it is important that you meet all of the above characteristics. By
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Here are some of the comments and feedback I got from the site:
“I need to thank you for a simple to understand, yet comprehensive site. I have been researching many sites for the past 6 odd months and I think yours is the best from all that I have seen!”- Regil Kumar
“You guys ROCK! Thank you so, so, so, so, so (how long ca I go on) so, so, so much for developing this site! You've put everything in such an easy and fun way! I've learned stuff in the past few days that I have been trying to learn for MONTHS!!!”– Alisha Richardson
“Your site ROCKS! I love the information you provide, the way it is organized, and most of all the entertaining and somewhat light-hearted manner in which it is delivered. I've read plenty of dull, boring texts on Forex, but yours has personality, and that makes it so much easier (and more entertaining) to read! Thanks for all the work you've put into this, and for sharing the knowledge you've gained with the rest of us!”– Charlie Sumpter
“OMG!!! I wish I had found this site 3 months ago!!! I have been overwhelmed by all the fx info out there, it's scary reading message boards of people spending ALL that money for trading programs that have not worked...everything is starting to look like a scam. I LOVE this site!! So wonderfully simple to understand and concise, it pulled a lot of things together for me that I wasn't understanding how they related to one another. THANK YOU so much!!!”– Bonnie
I do not need to bore you any longer so head on ahead and see for yourselve TO
You will enjoy the experience and also realise that it is not the student but the teacher and the passing of knowledge rests on most of the times.
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008
The many advantages include:
You do not need to be present physically to trade the system. The system trades 24 x5. You don’t miss trading opportunities because you are away from the platform.
You can diversify your trading by using multiple systems, this spreads out your risk and smooths out your equity line
An automated forex system removes the fear and greed you will experience when trading live manually and trades a system with consistency and most importantly without hesitation. 2 areas where most traders fail.
Automated Forex System - Shark EA - Review
The Shark EA Automated Forex System watches 12 indicators, pivots, fibs and support and resistance levels on multiple time-frames to make a trading decision. Every trade is secured by a fixed stop-loss (with the initial order). The Shark executes 2 trades on an average trading day with a win ratio of 85% from all trades. The recommended risk-setting per trade is 1%-3% of your equity. The System is tested back to 1999 and is since January '07, it is used on a "LIVE" account. Actual P/L on Live Account: +927% since January 2007. You can verify this with 3rd party login to the Live account.
Automated Forex System - Griffin EA Review:
The Griffin EA is an intra-day automated forex system executing 1-2 trades on an average trading day and has a win ratio of 89%. uses higher time-frames to determine the actual market direction and lower time-frames to determine turning points. Every trade is secured by a fixed stop-loss (with the initial order). The recommended risk per trade is between 2%-4% of total equity. The Actual P/L on Live Account is +129% since September 2007. As with the Shark EA, you can verify these results with 3rd party login here.
Sniper Forex is a manual indicator system that uses a precision algorhythm to provide precise entry and exit points. It has been designed for MetaTrader mt4, a market leading, widely available trading platform which you can download for free here
The system comprises three trigger lines, with an arrow telling you when to buy and when to sell. Simplicity itself - blue buy and red to sell.Over the past 5 years it has proven to be highly accurate, especially when allied to the best time frame, currency and time of day. While it is accurate for just about any of these three variables, for optimal efficiency it is best to follow my instructions closely. Not every trade is a winner, but historically losses have been much smaller than wins. On our chosen timeframe and currency wins outnumber losses 2:1, but are also almost three times larger!
Other Forex Systems Reviewed
Peter Bain Forex
4x1 Forex System
Mechanical Forex System
Surefire Forex Trading
Forex Scalping Strategy
News Trading Strategy
241 Forex System
Fibonacci Trading Systems
Nigeria Forex Trading Websites Review Coming Soon!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
We will go on a journey to uncover the mystery of making money online. Which you have probably tried to unravel and in the process get scammed! or meet a brick wall with a lot of marketing tools and e-books that you bought of affilliate marketers who in turns have also been scammed into buying materials with a promise that those materials would provide them with quick money ideas or secrets.
Let me say here that making money legit is never easy until you pay your dues. By your dues and for online business I mean working for long hours researching every lead, checking every domain name for authenticity, reading between those lines of promises of huge income streams to find out more, checking for the authoritative trends of such promises, above all spending some money also because some information cannot be gotten free and to make money you have to spend money. Investment of time & money is the key to Forex, MLM, HYIPS, AFFILLIATES, WEBSTORE, BLOGS, FORUM,
So if you are in a hurry to make a quick buck by scamming, watch out you are destroying and closing every avenue that is open to you and your fellow Nigerians to make a living other than sit around waiting for a government that make things better.
On that note, here is a mail i just recieved from a forex broker that i used and the sad news is I have just lost one opportunity that I use to make money online:
"Hi, ******,
******FX will no longer be accepting account applications from citizens of Nigeria. *******FX is taking this action due to the rapid increase in instances of fraud that promises unrealistic expectations in FOREX trading that specifically target Nigerian citizens. To protect the citizens of Nigeria from fraudulent schemes we advise that Nigerian citizens be aware that there are risks associated with FOREX trading and there is no methodology that can eliminate risk or guarantee performance.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Kind regards,
******** FX
Sadly I am not one of those fradulent people. But I am a Nigerian. Period.
Where does this leave me. Go back home and plan a scam "deeper grave".
I am sure that you have come across adverts, jingles, posters especially in big cities around Nigeria of Forex Seminars and Trainings paraded with long speeches on the radio and tv on how you can make unrealistic profits from trading forex. Well things are getting out of hand because as usual you can not separate the good from the bad guys when you have the bad guys out-numbering the good guys by a ratio of 1:500.
Please come by this blog as many times as you can because I am going to be sniffing and speaking a lot.
Cheers to a better Nigeria!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Nigeria is really beautiful, if you consider that the percentage of scammers to non-scammers is 1:1000 (Lol! not bad is it?); that the second ratio (nonscammers) are those of us who do other things. You may ask where the corrupt government officials fall(They are about 1 percent of the remaining ratio (non scammers: mathematically)); that in the second ratio are the truly-Nigerians who aspire to see that the Nigeria persona is espoused. A few good men, but too enough to make a huge impact.
The wind of change is blowing and thats the beauty of Nigeria. The beauty of the Change is what i see. Time will tell if history will repeat itself as it has always been. Take Our "Nacent" (an adjective of Nigerian politicians) democracy for example. Gradually it is become more of what democracy should be. I know... but we will get there sooner than our detractors expect.
Nigeria is beautiful. Look around you and see that even for one thing God loves us enough to keep us away from the total destruction and set back that war can cause. We Nigerians would see how our leaders queue up and deceive us one after the other. Instead of taking up arms we take up our Bibles, Korans, Chaplets, Chesbies and other religious paramphenelia and turn to God.
I believe that even though our motto is Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress, in our hearts it is "In God we trust". Thats the beauty of Nigeria.
Monday, January 21, 2008

Sometime in 1985, my primary school teacher asked me. "What would you like to be when you grow up"? Looking back at that time I could not give any answer then, I drew a blank for 8 seconds, then I looked up and saw a poster of the then Nigeria Military Leader General Buhari that has been hanging in my class I answered: "The President". She gave me a smile and said: "Very good". Being the first person to be asked, I realised every other person in my class was saying they wanted to be doctors, lawyers, engineers and so on. That made me feel very stupid, I was the odd one out! Now at that age you can imagine what it means to be the odd one out. Immediately I raised by hand and called out "Aunty" (that's for teacher in Naija), "I want to be a doctor", trying to save face for the playground.
Looking back at that day after so many years I realize I was right! I want to be the President of Nigeria. LOL!. I really do. I am sure you will support my mandate when you here me out.
But before I proceed I would like to say I have a vested interest in the current president. By declaring his assets and other things I have seen and heard him do, I would say lets keep a close watch. Obasanjo gave us an impression of a clean and transparent leadership, but as my people would say "otu awu n'ezi" meaning "once beaten twice shy"...
Yardie is here to stay and from what is going, I hope for a difference. So Yardie, you better run it differently or else...